Urine test

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Urinalysis in Gorizia

Casa di Cura Salus

Corso Giuseppe Verdi, 12, 34170 Gorizia GO, Italia


Urine test Casa di Cura Salus

Get a Urinalysis in Gorizia with Casa di Cura Salus.

Find out about the cost and other information on this page and contact Casa di Cura Salus directly to book a Urine test.

L'Urologia è la branca specialistica della medicina e della chirurgia che ha per oggetto lo studio e il trattamento delle malattie dell'apparato urinario. L’U.O. e l’ambulatorio di Urologia della casa di cura Salus affrontano le patologie a carico dell'apparato genito-urinario, cioè reni, ureteri, vescica, prostata e organi genitali maschili esterni.

Common conditions covered by a Urinalysis

Trichomoniasis Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Microalbuminuria Kidney stone Bladder cancer High Blood Pressure Diabetes

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Urinalysis FAQs

Urinalysis is a panel of tests that includes physical, chemical, and microscopic examinations of the urine.

The indications of urinalysis include: Suspected kidney disorders like glomerulonephritis Detection of a Urinary Tract Infection Detection of Metabolic Disorders like Diabetes Mellitus Diagnosis of pregnancy Detection of plasma cell dyscrasias

Un'analisi delle urine comporta l'esame del colore, della consistenza e della composizione dell'urina.

Read more on Urine test

Urine test - what is it and how the test is done

A urinalysis is a simple yet comprehensive test that is used to analyse the various aspects of your health using your pee as a sample. Several kidney, liver, and diabetes-related problems can be di...

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These details have been last updated on 11/10/22