Urine test

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Urinalysis in Florence - Firenze

Biomedical Srl

Via Giovanni Boccaccio, 5, 50133 Firenze FI, Italia


Urine test Biomedical Srl

Get a Urinalysis in Florence - Firenze with Biomedical Srl.

Find out about the cost and other information on this page and contact Biomedical Srl directly to book a Urine test.

L’Urologia è una branca specialistica della medicina e chirurgia che si occupa di patologie dell’apparato urinario maschile e femminile e degli organi genitali maschili esterni. Tra le principali patologie urologiche vi sono i tumori dell’apparato urinario e riproduttivo maschile (tumore della prostata), i disturbi della minzione e la calcolosi urinaria. Si eseguono: Visita specialistica urologica Ecografie addome inferiore vescico prostatica sovra pubica Ecografia prostatica trans rettale Ecografia doppler scrotale (controllo testicoli e varicocele) Dott. Alessandro ZA Dott. Za Alessandro Giuseppe, iscritto all’Albo dei Medici Chirurghi della provincia di LECCE al n. 3525, laureato in Medicina e Chirurgia presso l’Università degli Studi di Roma in data 09/07/1982 e specializzato in Urologia presso l’Università degli Studi di Bari Aldo Moro in data 24/10/1986

Common conditions covered by a Urinalysis

Trichomoniasis Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Microalbuminuria Kidney stone Bladder cancer High Blood Pressure Diabetes

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Urinalysis FAQs

A urinalysis gives some information about what is going on with your body. Based on the test, either the doctor will prescribe you medications or ask you to take more tests to look into the root cause of the symptoms. In short, the treatment of a positive urinalysis depends on the reason for taking the test in the first place.

A urine test is also known as a urinalysis. It identifies and treats various illnesses, including diabetes, renal disease, and urogenital infections. A urinalysis involves examining the colour, consistency, and composition of urine.

The quickest approach to test urine is using a rapid urine test. This entails briefly dipping a test strip with brief coloured squares onto the urine sample. Then, you must wait a short while for the outcome to show up. The test strip's fields change colour depending on how much of the specific chemical you are testing for is present. As a result, the colours of the areas are then contrasted with a colour table.

Read more on Urine test

Urine test - what is it and how the test is done

A urinalysis is a simple yet comprehensive test that is used to analyse the various aspects of your health using your pee as a sample. Several kidney, liver, and diabetes-related problems can be di...

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These details have been last updated on 11/10/22