Urine test

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Urinalysis in Pescara

Centro Medico Life Care

Via Tiburtina Valeria, 156, 65128 Pescara PE, Italia


Opening Hours
08:00 – 19:00
08:00 – 19:00
08:00 – 19:00
08:00 – 19:00
08:00 – 19:00
08:00 – 13:00

Urine test Centro Medico Life Care

Get a Urinalysis in Pescara with Centro Medico Life Care.

Find out about the cost and other information on this page and contact Centro Medico Life Care directly to book a Urine test.

L’ambulatorio di Urologia si occupa della prevenzione, della diagnosi e della cura di tutte le patologie urologiche dell’adulto ed effettua visite e follow up di patologie di pertinenza chirurgica a carico di: Rene Via esecretrice Vescica Prostata Uretra Testicoli Pene Vengono inoltre eseguiti esami specifici, quali: Visita specialistica urologica Visita andrologica Check up urologico, si compone di visita medica, con esame obiettivo e anamnesi del paziente Uroflussometria, esame di valutazione della quantità della minzione per determinare la presenza o meno di ostruzione delle basse vie urinarie, grazie al quale vengono valutate le condizioni del paziente affetto da ipertrofia prostatica o da altre patologie che possono causare ostruzione delle prime vie urinarie Ecografia reni/vescica/prostata/testicoli

Common conditions covered by a Urinalysis

Trichomoniasis Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) Microalbuminuria Kidney stone Bladder cancer High Blood Pressure Diabetes

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Urinalysis FAQs

Urinalysis is usually done for two reasons: As a part of the general examination to help in the early detection of diseases like diabetes and chronic kidney disease. As a diagnostic test for patients showing symptoms of the urinary tract or renal diseases.

A urinalysis gives some information about what is going on with your body. Based on the test, either the doctor will prescribe you medications or ask you to take more tests to look into the root cause of the symptoms. In short, the treatment of a positive urinalysis depends on the reason for taking the test in the first place.

Un'analisi delle urine comporta l'esame del colore, della consistenza e della composizione dell'urina.

Read more on Urine test

Urine test - what is it and how the test is done

A urinalysis is a simple yet comprehensive test that is used to analyse the various aspects of your health using your pee as a sample. Several kidney, liver, and diabetes-related problems can be di...

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These details have been last updated on 11/10/22